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Image by Corinne Kutz

Social Media Marketing & Management Services

Become Trustworthy, Not Just Popular

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Take Your Brand Messages Effectively Across Social Media Platforms

Social Media has expanded the space for brands to communicate, connect & build an online community of loyal customers. Every platform attracts different user groups with varying intentions. The mindset of someone in Linkedin will be totally different from someone on Instagram. Even for the same person, the tone of the message needs to be different on different platforms to connect & engage. However, universally one thing is certain. None of them want to be sold anything. Many brands overdo the selling on social media, misunderstanding what goes on inside the minds of the usersand thereby miss to “make a connect”. Getting the social media aspect of Digital marketing correct is key for your business and we are here to help !

How We make Social Media Work For Your Business

 Digital Gadgets

Understand Your Customers

Discover needs, likes, and behaviour
profiles of your customers


Creative Strategy

Everything from font, style &
brand elements in design

Image by Brett Jordan

Choose Social Platforms

Consider the intention and how
it aligns with our brand

Image by Mike Meyers

Communication Strategy

Set the tone of the brand with
the right tone & language

Image by Ben Sweet

Create Appealing Profile

Blend-in or Stand-out?
Mix design & copy intelligently

Image by Nick Morrison

Content Buckets

Conversation starters to engaging
topics that interest user

Image by Elena Joland

We Help You with the best Social Media Marketing Services

  Starter Plan

Growth Plan

Scale Plan

What's In It For You

Social media has taken the world by storm since its original creation. The amount of social media users has risen up to over 4 billion (which will be double what it was in 2015!). On average, people have at least 8 different social media accounts- and they don’t just have them, they’re using them! Big platforms like Facebook saw well over half of their monthly users using Facebook daily in some of the latest data. The volume of people using social media, however, is not the only thing that’s changed.

The way people use social media has changed as well! It was originally created as a way for friends and family to communicate and socialize online, but it has become so much more than that. In today’s world, yes the main use remains to be interacting with friends and family, but it’s also an opportunity for brands and consumers or leads to connect. Listen to these recent statistics. 71% of consumers who had a positive social media experience with a brand were likely to recommend it to other people, and 21% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that they can reach on social media. Social media platforms have started doubling as ecommerce platforms and/or as a major step in your marketing funnel for building connections.

So if you’re new to social media, what you need to understand as a business owner is that at its core social media is a place for people to connect with friends, family and brands alike. And as it continues to grow at an explosive rate you’ll want to take advantage of it for your business. That’s where social media marketing services come in.

What Is Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the use of social media to increase brand awareness, build a targeted following, drive website traffic and ultimately increase your sales. Social media marketing for small businesses and entrepreneurs gives them the ability to establish their brand and online presence on platforms where their target audience is already scrolling.

All of that sounds pretty good right? So where do you start? Well, some of the social media platforms you can use to do this are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

The important thing to know is that there are two parts to social media marketing: organic social media management, which you will read about on this page and paid social media advertising services which you can click there to read more about.

The way to best decide how to go about your social media marketing plan is to first decide what your business goals and marketing goals are and what you would like to get out of social media marketing.

Image by James McKinven
Image by Christian Mackie
Image by Redd F

How Can A Social Media Marketing Campaign Help Your Business?

Think about the amount of people that we said use social media. At the rate social media has grown (and continues to grow), you are bound to find a percentage of your target audience on these platforms.

Social media marketing helps you put strategic social media content and/or social ads in front of them where they’re already scrolling and spending their time. This gives your business valuable, extensive and targeted exposure.

When you leverage social media marketing effectively, you maximize your reach, qualified website traffic and conversions. What are conversions? Conversions can either be a completed sale, a completed lead form or anything else that you deem as a valuable action on your site. Typically, conversions are what you call the end goal action you’re wanting to receive from your social media efforts.

This is why it’s important to determine what your goals are first so that you can then plan your social media marketing plan accordingly to meet those goals!

Is Being Active On Social Media Platforms Important To Your Business?

If you have been using social media for a while now, you’ve probably seen and interacted with a business page’s post or ad- especially if it was a brand you like! Your target audience is no different. They like engaging with brands they favor and trust. But how do you create that brand-consumer trust?

That is where social media marketing, or also commonly known as SMM promotion, comes in. This specific digital marketing method aims to increase brand awareness and establish brand trust by building a solid social media presence for your brand. But really, how important is a social media for a business like yours? Let’s check out these statistics

66% of Facebook users

say that they Like or Follow a brand on this social platform

90% of Instagram users

say that they follow a business on this social network, which also translates to IG users being keen on interacting with brands they like.

90% of LinkedIn users

are senior-level influencers, while 63 million of them are in decision-making positions

77% of Twitter users

say that they feel more positive about a certain brand when their Tweet has been replied to.

Image by Scott Graham

The Benefits Of Social Media Marketing Services

Improve Your Credibility As A Brand

Simply having social media is a start to increasing your credibility as a brand. If your business does not have a social media account, or if it does but it’s not regularly updated and optimized, it has the same impact as having a brick-and-mortar location that’s empty, collecting dust. It doesn’t give a good impression, it does nothing to establish trust with your potential customers and it can make users question if your business is even operational. This is because “checking out your social media” is a part of the research process for buyers today. That’s how important social media is for businesses these days. So then, if you partner with a social media marketing agency like LYFE Marketing to take your social media accounts to the next level, you can accomplish more than the bare minimum of just having a social media account. If we’re saying that simply having a social media account is a foot in the right direction towards increasing your credibility, imagine what implementing a strategic, powerful social media marketing plan could do for establishing your credibility and online presence.


Attract A Targeted Audience

Keyword there is targeted! Earlier we said billions of people use social media and that most have 8 or more accounts on average. You need to be able to sift through the sea of people online to find your specific target audience because you don’t want to build a follower base of just any type of person! You want potential customers! So how do you accomplish this? You start by picking the right social media platforms for you. Each social media platform is different and therefore attracts different groups of people. For example, Facebook’s users are pretty evenly split between male and female while Pinterest is used more by females. So first you’ll want to nail down what your ideal customer looks like and from there, you can look at the qualities of the different social media platforms to determine which might benefit you the best. Which holds the majority of your target audience? Once you determine the social media platforms you want to utilize, you can then use further targeting options provided by each individual platform. You can filter through a platform’s user base and target by demographics, interests, behaviors and more. This will help ensure that your social media content is being served to the right audience.


Direct Access To Your Customers

Engagement and conversations are happening every second of every day on social media. One of the biggest reasons social media has proven so powerful for businesses is because it gives them the ability to engage with their customers directly. For example, if someone buys a dress from your shop, they are likely to take a photo with it on, post it to Instagram and tag your brand (this is just an example but if happens way more often than you might think!). Your brand can then like the photo, comment on it, share it on your Instagram etc. This kind of positive interaction encourages brand loyalty and shows people that your customers love your brand. Let’s look at another example. Let’s say a mishap occurred with shipping and a customer let’s you know about it on social media. You have the power to quietly provide a solution to that customer and take care of their needs all within private messages on social media before they go and publish a negative review of your business. Having direct access to your customers allows you to keep a pulse on the likes and pain points of your target audience while they feel that they have a direct line and connection to your brand, increasing their trust in your brand.


Social Media Can Help Your SEO Rankings

Remember earlier when we said that social media marketing services work best when they support your other marketing services and vice versa? Well, here’s the perfect example of that. SEO is the process of getting your website to rank higher on search engines like Google. For example, if you sell muffins in Blue Ridge, Georgia, you would want your website to appear as the #1 search result when somebody types in “muffin shop Blue Ridge, GA” on Google right? SEO is the process that helps you do that, and you can learn more about our SEO services here. So, what does social media marketing have to do with SEO? Well, there are hundreds of ranking factors that Google looks at when determining which websites to rank first, and social media is one of those factors. The more backlinks you receive to your site from social media from people sharing your content and talking about your business, the more importance Google places on your website. What’s a backlink? A backlink is a link from another website that links back to your website, and backlinks are very important to Google. So while you’re carrying out your social media strategy to reap all of the social media specific benefits we’re discussing here, you can be simultaneously assisting your SEO efforts as well.


Increased ROI

The best benefit of all! While yes, social media management is geared more towards fueling the top of your marketing funnel, you want to see that those followers are eventually converting into customers. This starts with targeting the right people from the beginning and building your online presence effectively with a thought-out social media marketing plan. You don’t want your social media marketing efforts to be for nothing, so that’s where at social media marketing company like LYFE Marketing comes in! We know how to simultaneously focus on the followers and engagement while keeping the end goal of ROI in mind.

The Do's and Don’ts of Social Media Marketing


  • Target vague, large demographics

  • Post sporadically or seldom

  • Use random hashtags that you think of on the spot

  • Leave DMs on read or comments unresponded to

  • Continue posting without ever measuring your engagement

  • Continue posting without ever measuring your engagement

  • Leave your bio with sections missing or broken links

  • Fail to think of your social media efforts as a part of a bigger digital marketing strategy

  • Make uninformed decisions without looking at any data

  • Publish things blindly without knowing what to expect from your efforts


  • Run regular reports to track the important metrics

  • Set immediate & long-term goals

  • Cross promote your other marketing channels as needed

  • Optimize your bio & about sections

  • A/B test the type of content you publish to see what performs best

  • Use your posts to accomplish your customers’ goals or solve their pain points

  • Respond to all comments and DMs promptly

  • Research your hashtags in advance to use the most effective ones

  • Create a content calendar with planned posts

  • Create a specific customer avatar

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